Odin Disc Golf To Make Courses In Portland, Oregon More Beautiful With New Outreach Program

So yeah…we’re here in Oregon and there’s not a really great reason to be outside. I mean maybe for a run or something but being in Oregon we all know that going outside in March is kind of like playing Russian Roulette: You feel the air and look at the sky and tell yourself, “There’s no way it’s going to rain in the next few hours and weather.com says it’s going to be sunny” with that you accept the challenge from the shady character from across the table and take the loaded Revolver and taste the metallic tinge of steel in your mouth. You feel the perspiration and that tug at the bottom of your stomach and immediately regret your decision but you’ve put on your disc golf clothes and you’re already committed. As you step outside you smell the air, “That smells like rain but I don’t care….I’m going for it.” You look straight down the barrel of the loaded gun, straight in the eye of the shady character who challenged you. *click*.


So bad analogies aside, you could get rained on or you might not . For me that’s why I’m glad I have an Odin bag – there’s enough storage in the top of the bag to hold a jacket if I need it or maybe I wore too many layers and need to stuff my jacket in the top compartment. With most bags you’d be stuck with the option of wrapping your sweatshirt around your waist but not with the Odin bag. Maybe it stays cold, at least you thought ahead and brought the layers, what if it rains? at least you attached your umbrella to the umbrella holder on the front. Shameless plug aside, having an odin bag really allows me to play at my best in any condition better than any other bag I can think of.


No matter how well you prepare to go out, there’s really no avoiding the fallen trees or eroded walking paths or the other multitude of things that the weather and time does to courses. That’s where the Odin Outreach program comes in. We want to give back to the local community that we have roots in. Oregon has such a rich background of and clubs of people who just straight up love the sport. All of the major influences of the Portland area like, Stumptown, DGOD, Jerry Miller, and Acerbinky; the Willamette Disc Golf Club, The Whistling Misfits, The Bend Area Disc Golf Club, The guys at Buxton Woods, Bob at Hornings hideout…The list goes on and on and on…We’d like to support the area like these guys do and the Odin Outreach program should be a great step towards that.


For More information about the program please check out the Outreach page, we’ve included a graph that shows how many hours have been recorded for each course and how many we’ve worked of the elected hours! We’re very excited to get this program off the ground so if you’ve been thinking about buying one and you’re in the area right now is the perfect time!


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