Ravenwood Open Results!



Here are the tournament results from the Ravenwood open! Congrats to Andrew Nava winning open, Crist Garcia winning masters, Steve Tufty in Grandmasters, Martin Hage in Advanced, Kevin Korman in Advanced Masters, Michael Blair in Advanced Grandmasters, and Jacob Humm in Intermediate!

We couldn’t have done this event from the help of a lot of people and I gotta shout them out here! Big thanks to David Zimmerman and Jamie Brown for Co-TDing and making a great Saturday lunch; Dan Dan Brown and Disc Golf or Die for backing me up with Ian Clark-Williams and Zachary Beltz. Kevin and Chuck at Buxton woods for having a great venue and Josh Pierce at independence disc golf for providing all the TDing materials I lacked and script for the players!

Also gotta throw out a big thanks to all of our sponsors like Bobby Stevens at Old market brewery for providing a perfectly appropriate stout beer for the rainy weekend, Tina Stanaitis at whale sacs for providing a great product in the players pack, Craig Dizzle Binkier for providing some killer shirts at the last minute, Zach at silver spoon for providing some sweet raffle items, and Josh Joshua Olmsted for donating some extra cash for payouts!

I’m probably missing a person or two and it is amazing that this event was pulled off as well as it was. If it weren’t for people that love this game, there is no way we could have events like this! Running an event has really opened my eyes to how much sacrifice goes into making a good event for the players and I couldn’t have done it without all of the help and love that everyone put into this, thanks for helping me make this a great event regardless of the weather and thanks to all who made it possible!

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